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Grey Sole
Glyptocephalus cynoglossus
Graded: 2-6 oz.
Details: PBO Skinless/Boneless
Packed: X 10 lbs. cw. in styrofoam box
Availability: Seasonal
Aquanor Grey Sole is a premium quality flatfish harvested in the clear, cold waters off the coast of Iceland. Traditionally a by-catch of flounder, this sweeter, more delicate whitefish has become a popular seafood choice amongst gourmands for its beautiful flaky texture, vesatililty and gourmet presentation.
Hand filleted to perfection, Aquanor Grey Sole is purchased daily on the Icelandic auction year-round.
Icelandic Grey Sole is great for a low calorie meal with a high protein content. This fish is available in 2-8 oz fillets, perfect for an individual meal.
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